Quick Overview

EveryStudent.com® is helping people throughout the world begin a relationship with God.
It answers peoples' most pressing questions about life and God. And it gives them reasons (and opportunity) to begin a relationship with God.
EveryStudent.com has no ads, sells nothing, has no donation requests, and doesn't mention a church or organization. It's simply about God and what he offers us.
All the articles and videos are for people who do not yet know God, worded directly to them. EveryStudent.com speaks persuasively to people of all religious backgrounds – Muslim, atheist, church-background, Hindu, Mormon, etc.
You can also send people to EveryPerson.com, which is the same site under a different name.
The site gives you an easy way to help reach your friends or anyone God brings your way.
EveryStudent.com is reaching millions of people…including people in traditionally “closed” countries.
EveryStudent.com is now in 50 languages, reaching more than 75 million people last year.
“Closed countries” has become an outdated term. People from nearly every country of the world are coming to the site, including people in China, Vietnam, Iran, Saudi Arabia.
More than 4,000 people each day tell us they have asked Jesus into their lives while on the site.
Daily we hear comments like these:
“I want to thank God SO MUCH! Because EveryStudent.com came to my Life. Right now I’m in a relationship with God. It’s true that we are designed to be in a relationship with him. I feel Complete. I’m inspired to help others know God.” ~Eric
EveryStudent.com has articles & videos on topics people care about…

EveryStudent.com addresses the very questions that nonbelievers have about life and God.
- What is my purpose in life?
- Sex and the search for intimacy.
- Is there a God?
- Does God answer prayers?
- Why is life so hard?
For many, the search for God starts at Google. Millions are searching on Google for answers to questions like these. EveryStudent.com answers them in their moment of search.
EveryStudent.com could be your greatest resource in helping people come to know Jesus.
Many people are hesitant to talk candidly about their personal beliefs or questions about God. But give them a well-written, respectful site that they can go to on their own, and defenses come down.

Online is comfortable, familiar for them. It feels safe. They are in control. No one is challenging them. It’s just them and their computer/phone. They are quiet. And they can really focus. It is the perfect environment for God to speak to them.
Many see who God is and are drawn by God into a relationship with him. You can encourage someone to visit the site, then ask them about it later.
New Believers Can Grow Right Away
New believers can begin growing two minutes after receiving Christ into their lives.
On EveryStudent.com, as soon as someone tells us they asked Jesus into their life, we invite them to sign up for a free email series called, The Spiritual Starter Kit. If they would rather, they could continue directly to our site built for new believers, StartingwithGod.com. This means that new believers can begin growing in their new relationship with God, minutes after asking Jesus into their lives.

One of those people was Andrew. He asked Jesus into his life. Then after several follow-up lessons, he sent this note:
“My prayers are now very emotional. Often tears flow on my cheeks. It is impossible to describe what I have had in the past 14 days. I found a light in the dark. I opened my heart to the Lord Jesus, and I put my life in God's hands. I am so happy.”
Or Julie:
“Just wanted to say thank you so much for being a part of my new journey. I Love how its called the Spiritual Starter Kit, I always saw myself as more of a spiritual person. Never thought I’d come to know God like I have. Thank you from the bottom of my heart...life saver!”
Or Tyler:
For the past few years, I've noticed something HUGE missing in my life. I dont feel it anymore. My heart feels full. This was it. I thank God for what you have done for me!! I will always remember this night. I look forward to your future emails while I'm starting my journey through Jesus Christ.”
You or your church can help new believers grow by pointing them to www.StartingwithGod.com where they will be invited to sign up for the free “The Spiritual Starter Kit.” (You are welcome to sign up for it yourself, so you can see what it’s like.)
Follow-up can continue for more than 6 months.
At the end of The Spiritual Starter Kit a person is invited to sign up for additional growth series, all free. If they keep signing up for these free series, they can continue growing with us for more than a year.
Each of these emails are personal, and the new believer rightly senses that someone cares about helping them in their growth. You will find these series offered on StartingwithGod.com.

See how God is changing people's lives through this: Changed Lives.