A Simple Way to Help People Know Jesus
Evangelism doesn’t need to be so difficult. So awkward.
This free, short ebook will show you a great way to share Jesus.
You’ll know how to talk with close friends, family members, coworkers…ie., people whose relationship you don’t want to risk!
It also will show you how to help complete strangers you meet along the way.
It’s yours free…no email address required, no being chased around the Internet with ads afterwards. Refreshing, right? We just want believers equipped to help others know Jesus! We know you’ll enjoy this. Thousands have found it helpful and inspiring.
I am in the process of learning how to evangelize with my church group. This priceless treasure will be used as my go-to-reference in telling people about the Mighty God we serve. ~Cheryl
God bless you for making all your ideas so commendably practical. ~David
I am smiling as I read this. It is awesome. Now I have some idea how I should interact with unbelievers. ~Pearl