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Free Bible Study
through the Gospel of John

Get ready to appreciate Jesus more.

In the Gospel of John, Jesus describes his love for us, his promise of eternal life, the peace we can have following him. He confirms over and over again his equality with the Father. And so much more.

You get to see what the Gospel of John says, on your own. No one checking your answers. This is purely your own exploration. And it's free!

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This study is prepared by the director of EveryStudent.com, a site to help people with their questions about life and God, and how they can begin a relationship with God.

Knowing God Better thru the Gospel of John will help you do just that...know God better and appreciate him more.

Just fill this out and the first email will arrive right away. The rest of the emails arrive a few days apart.

Here’s how you can get it:

Please send me Knowing God Better
(a free study through the Gospel of John)

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More than 50,000 people have gone through this study. Here are comments from a few of those people:

"At this point in my life it is really helping to give me encouragement and hope. I always get excited to see your lessons in my email. Thank you!"

"I have always believed in God, but I had no idea I could know God like this. Thank you!!"

"Loove ur stuff!.,, i find the messages encouraging and fresh.,. They always seem to show up just when I need them!.. Keep it up!"

"tytyty i love this study."

“I've no words to explain what the Lord is doing in my life right now. I never thought I'd be this glad in his presence. My soul is live and happy. Thank you!”

“I am slowing learning about this amazing Jesus our Lord our savior. I must say I am in awe of our God. He is wonderful. I am getting to know him more easily. I am proud to be a follower of Jesus Christ. Thank you.”

Here’s the signup box for you again:

Please send me Knowing God Better
(a free study through the Gospel of John)

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Email address:

Just fill it out, click Submit, and the first one will arrive in your mailbox within the next couple of minutes.